& Punishment (2012) (2012)
1. Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism?
The death penalty should only be
for terrorists because terrorism can't be done by mistake. While anybody could
kill someone not intentionally, for example, in a car accident.
2. Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?
2. Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?
It depends because some criminals need to be
rehabilitated, whilst others should be punished.
3. What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime such as:
For this kind of crimes the punishment should depend on the amount of damage they caused, for example, in joy-riding if they didn't cause any damage the police should only take their license for a period of time, but if they did they should go to the jail or pay fine.
4. Is it ever right for political activities to break the law?
No, because there is no use of the law if the man who put it will break it, no one will respect him or his law.
5. How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive?
They must put them in the jail for a period of time and each time the police catch the same person while he is drinking and driving they should increase his time in jail, because the drunks will probably kill someone or cause an accident while they are driving.
6. Which is the more serious problem in your country - tax evasion or social security fraud?
In my country we do not pay for tax evasion or even for social security fraud, however here in the UK, social security fraud is more dangerous because it accumulate by time, while the tax evasion can be controlled.
7. Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant?
It might be a good idea, because they might see or notice something suspicious and don't have the time to get a warrant.
8. Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property shop doorways?
No, the government should help and support them and offer a house or a sleeping place, because if they didn't it will give a bad impression for the tourists about the country.
9. Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?
9. Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?
Yes, because it is harmful for the one who smoke it and the people around him, beside it can as dangerous as drugs.
Bibliography: (2012). Crime & Punishment. Available at: (Accessed: 5/Jul/2013)
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